January 2025: New Year, Interesting Energy

“Bubble up Buttercup”!  This phrase has often run through my mind when I venture into the world lately.  No doubt my subconscious mind’s way of reminding me to protect my energy as we move through this…very interesting period of time.  Those who are energetically sensitive are receiving plenty of opportunities to utilize their ol’ toolbox of healing techniques in this current energy.  The good news is we have the tools, and we can choose to use them.  Also, good news, if we decide not to use them, we will continue to be given opportunities and choices to learn something new or change, at least for now. 

It feels like we are in the “in-between” as I like to call it.  Transitioning out of the old circumstances and into the new, but not quite there yet.  There have been so many huge changes to our technology, society, and culture in just the last few years, for many of us it feels as though we are still catching up, or rather that time is speeding up. 

In 2025 alone, humanity has already experienced a myriad of catalytic events including wildfires, floods, and earthquakes not to mention the global government and political unrest.  Almost every person I speak with has some big issue they are working through and processing….and each person is doing the best they can with what they have; sometimes easy to forget. 

Yup, we all have a lot going on.  Is this our new normal as a society?  This accelerated pace does little for our soul, little for our divinity but a lot for our stress levels.  Honestly, I am not quite sure anyone knows that, as we haven’t settled into a majority collective conscious energy in one direction or another yet.  Wow, just the thought of an overwhelming majority seems daunting, so let’s break it down into an easier choice that we can all make on a day-to-day level by asking ourselves this simple question; are we being motivated by fear or by love? 

If we feel into a situation, event, person, or place for example, by focusing on it and feeling a response in our body, does it feel like love or fear?  Does it feel like a happy warm summer breeze or do you feel like you just fell on a porcupine in your birthday suit?  Does it feel closer to rainbows and puppy kisses or being stranded alone on a desert island?  Does your body feel contracted, closed, sullen or expanded, energized, and ready to go? 

The great news is, we don’t even have to do anything with this information and when you first start noticing these feelings, you may not.  It may take some time to unravel and unpack a lot of our previous beliefs and habits and that is ok.  Even taking the time to consciously notice how your body feels in certain settings and situations is a win…take it and celebrate you! 

Remembering that everyone is doing the best they can right now is also helpful, not always easy, but definitely helpful.  Remembering you are doing the best you can right now with what you have is critical!  Go easy with yourself, if you experience guilt or anger or any other intense feelings, allow them to be fully felt and released without judgment.  Moving your body with qigong, yoga, running, or any other movement that resonates with you, will help move, process, and release energy out of your body and biofield.  If you feel the need to rest, find silence, or work on creative pursuits, follow that guidance, without judgment.  As we work through this energy, it will become very important to pursue play, laughter, imagination, and activities that bring us authentic joy.  For some of us that is more difficult than others. 

I still use the “Bubbleup Buttercup” tool and whenever that pops up into my mind I smile at the silliness.  It has helped me tremendously.  Try it out and drop a comment to let us know your results. 

Bubbleup Buttercup Technique:

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and release.  You may want to use a specific visual symbol that resonates with you and will help train your body and energy to automatically “bubble up”.  This could be visualizing yourself in a tiara, hat, or crown, wearing a specific power outfit or piece of jewelry, or anything that helps you feel grounded and calls in your power and sparks a little (or a lot) of happiness. 

  • Scan your body to notice any sensations or feelings and where they may be located and notice any other information you may receive… just notice for a moment. 

  • Imagine a beautiful white light extending down from overhead coming through the center of your head, down through your core body, and out of your heart and feet to envelope your entire body and about 3 feet out in all directions.  Take a moment to notice your body again and feel any differences once the white light is in place. 

  • Set the intention that the white light is impenetrable and absolutely nothing can get through this barrier without your permission. Super cool right?

  • Even cooler??  You can exude loving energy and thoughts to all you meet from inside the bubble, and they will receive your loving energy.  You can even set the bubble to allow positive energy and thoughts to enter because YOU are providing that intention and permission!  Positive Intention and faith are the secret sauce to this technique. 

  • Buttercup, you are in control of how to use this technique so try some different variations based on your intuition to see what feels best for your body and energy. 

 We are all in this thing called life together and although this energy is calling for us to focus on our own well-being, that does not diminish our call to create community, assist others, or jump in to assist if called.  We are not moving into selfishness, we are moving into unity.  Unity calls for sovereignty over ourselves so that we can consciously heal ourselves.  If each of us focused on healing ourselves and finding joy, the collective would more find peace and joy.  When I think of this concept, I often think of the whole world at an amazing concert, each of us finding our emotion and movement to the sound, holding our lighters or candles high in the air with joy and solidarity. 

But sometimes our neighbor needs a spark to start their lighter.  If your lighter isn’t going and out of fuel, how can you light your neighbor? Hmm???

As we are moving through this time, find your joy without harm, selflessly and authentically.  Experiment, notice, and find what empowers you and what feels authentic in your body.  We may still have to make sacrifices, exceptions and choices we don’t love as we navigate our lives and we can do this consciously, finding the best path to honor ourselves and others with peace. 

Light it up Buttercup!  We got this. 

 Much love to you,
